Seafood provides us with a cocktail of nutrients and minerals we wouldn’t normally get as a packaged deal. Mussels are one of the greatest, healthiest bounties of the sea.
The health benefits of seafood are frequently discussed–the ocean provides us with plenty of opportunities to stay healthy. From crabs to shrimp, from seaweed to calamari, seafood provides us with a cocktail of nutrients and minerals we wouldn’t normally get as a packaged deal. Mussels are one of the greatest, healthiest bounties of the sea. If you aren’t convinced, and are against ordering a bowl of mussels at your next visit to Costas Inn, read on to find out all the fantastic health benefits that mussels provide.
Packed With Protein
Mussels are considered to be a great source of protein by the United States Department of Agriculture; they can provide up to 5 of the 6.5 ounces of protein recommended per day! You need protein for almost every cell in your body to function, so this is an incredibly important part of your diet. Mussels are almost entirely meat, which is what makes them so protein-packed.
Vital Vitamin A
Have you been getting your share of vitamins? Vitamin A is essential for keeping your eyes, skin and immune system in top shape. Your red blood cells will also benefit from the correct intake of vitamin A. When you eat a 1-cup serving of mussels, you’re eating 240 international units of vitamin A. This makes up a generous portion of your daily recommended vitamin A intake.
Necessary Nutrients
While there are other vitamins included in mussel’s makeup–like vitamin C and B12–there are also two very important nutrients. Selenium and manganese are packed within mussels; eating just 6 ounces completes the recommended daily intake. Selenium is great for your immune system, and manganese is important for keeping your blood from clotting. Overall, mussels are one of the healthiest types of seafood you could eat.
Get the best bowl of mussels around when you visit Costas Inn!
Costas Inn has been a family owned and operated restaurant for over 40 years. We were recently voted the 2015 #1 Baltimore Seafood Restaurant by USA Today. You may have spotted Costas Inn during one of our 9 appearances on the Today Show or heard one of our many interviews on WJZ TV Channel 13 with Ron Matz and Marty Bass.
We were also voted #1 Crab Restaurant 2014 in the Baltimore Business Journal! You can enjoy our famous crab cakes in-house or order them online for anytime eating. We also provide some of the best seafood catering in the Baltimore area! You can also get your fill from Costas even when you’re not in our dining room: follow us on Facebook, Twitter,Google+,Pinterest, and YouTube!
Tags: health benefits of seafood, Mussels, seafood